How do you create a new hire training process?

The next SystemsScaping Program is coming up. I sent an email out yesterday with a request for any frustrations entrepreneurs are having in getting their business process dependent.

I got a good one: How do you create a new hire training process?

Here is my reply…

Yep. Without a good new hire training process, it’s a real nuisance to get good employees up to speed so you can quickly get a return on your investment.

Most business owners and manager’s train using what we like to call ‘The Tribal Method of Training’. In other words, they just ‘tell’ them what to do and they can learn by ‘watching’ and ‘doing’.

Studies show that doing it that way, a new employee will retain about 18% of what you told them. The rest, 82%, they will make up and/or figure out by themselves.

That’s why you have to tell them over and over and over and over and over again and again and again…It’s maddening.

And, it makes it tougher to let under performing employees go. How long do you give them to get up to speed?

Then, if you let them go, you’re going to have to go through the hassle of hiring another to fill their place.

There are actually a few processes for getting a new employee up to speed quickly and then keeping them motivated. It needs to start before training.

The processes are:

1. Recruiting – finding good candidates to interview
2. Interviewing – knowing what to ask and how to find the best candidate to make a job offer to
3. Onboarding and Orientation – getting prepared for them to start
4. Training – making they sure know what they’re supposed to do, what is expected of them and how to achieve those expectations
5. Management – helping them succeed and holding them accountable to your expectations.

We have pre-written processes for each of these steps.

There is a course I’m about to launch called The SystemsScaping Program, (you’ll hear more about that in future posts). In the course, you will download and edit these pre written processes, as well as many others, as together we build the systemic foundation of your Process Dependent Business.

So watch for another post from me as I release more information in the coming days.

And, LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW if you’d like to offer up your biggest challenge to getting your business process dependent. If you do, I’ll send you a report on THE 5 STEPS TO CREATING A PROCESS DEPENDENT BUSINESS

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